
PDF Presets screenshot

Upload and Manage PDF Presets

When InDesign generates a PDF, it uses a “PDF preset” to specify various options to specify various options. For example, you can specify image resolutions or whether to include crop marks or bleeds. We have now made it easier for you to upload and manage your own PDF presets for

Viewing as User screenshot

View-As and Other Features Added to EasyPrintUI

We have added several new features to EasyPrintUI based on requests from our clients. If you’re not familiar with EasyPrintUI, please see a description or videos to see how you can be up and running with your own web-to-print or web-to-web solution with zero programming and in only one day.


Flex != Flash

Flex recently became a top level project at Apache and released version 4.9.0. I’m personally very excited about the project and I’ve seen a lot of confusion and misinformation on the web. Here’s some of facts as well as some of my thoughts on the subject. I hope it will

Edit Text screenshot

Text Style Support

By default, PrintUI displays a text palette for editing all text attributes. Things like font, size, line spacing, color, etc. can all be changed. For cases where the designer does not want the end user to change anything other than the text, the text palette can be hidden. Brand Management

Now Playing InDesign FX

Transparency Support

One of the advantages of designing in InDesign is the advanced graphic capabilities including partial transparency and transparency effects. While PrintUI has always supported all of InDesign’s native features on non-editable layers, until now, editable objects have not allowed partial transparency or transparency effects. We’re happy to announce that we


Words Fail…

Last year, I wrote about Korzybskis semantic theories especially the problems generated among humans who confuse words (symbols) with the objects they represent. Since Im in the business of words, Im forever hopeful that well figure out how to use them well, and resolve our differences with rational discourse. However,


Discoverability is Key

In our never-ending quest to improve PrintUI, we became aware that not all users are immediately aware that page contents are editable. A first time user does not necessarily know that options not immediately visible are available. Even if they are looking for things to edit, they may not realize


New Year, New Server Architecture

The last year has been an awesome start for PrintUI! We’re seeing very good adoption of the service and we’re seeing demand for new applications that put a higher load on our servers. We’re always excited to see the desire to use PrintUI for ever more complex applications. Performance is


Silver Cloud / Dark Lining?

At the risk of channeling the late Andy Rooney, I have a bone to pick with cloud computing and its adherents. Like all business trends, The Cloud (capitalization required) has achieved meaningless buzzword status. It has also attracted its share of pretenders, predators, and puzzled participants. Lets be clear from

PrintUI new layer

New Layer Features

We love seeing the new and innovative ways our customers are using PrintUI! As a result to customer needs we rolled out an update this week with a number of new features relating to layers. Transparent Background One request that we got from a number of clients was the ability

Santa Cruz Software logo

Print Different

This is typically the time of year when columnists, pundits, and bloggers look back at the past year, and ahead to what the next one may bring. Assuming the planet will not end altogether on December 21st, here’s my retrospective and glimpse forward for the printing industry. For some, the

Santa Cruz Software logo

Paper Power

Elsewhere in this space, Ive written about the environmental misconceptions surrounding print and paper. As it turns out, the print medium is potentially[1] the most sustainable and least problematic when it comes to energy consumption and carbon emissions. However, it turns out that paper is not only benign environmentally, but