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Fear of the Dark

Admittedly, Halloween would have been a better holiday for this post, but since superstitions have no fixed season, I thought Id dredge up an old one namely, printing as a dark art and ask if those same fears cloud our thinking today. When Gutenberg’s vision of print manufacturing first emerged,


PrintUI Tools 2.0.7 Released

We just pushed out version 2.0.7 of our InDesign PrintUI Tools panel. We have had Extension Manager updates available from the beginning, but users tend to open the Extension Manager very rarely and are not always aware of new updates. Starting from version 2.0.7, the panel will alert users when

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What Makes Paper So Special?

When discussing the merits of print communication, pundits like me tend to fixate specific applications like publishing or business communication, but don’t say much about the medium itself: paper. There are preconceptions about its inconvenience in dealing with large quantities of data (true) or its negative impact on the environment

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October was a Busy Month

And I’m not referring specifically to the newest little baby boy Harbs… 😉 We delivered two major new features being the Image Gallery feature and Easy PrintUI. We are very pleased with how both have been received. Placing images from social image sources such as Facebook, Flickr and Picasa is

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First Impressions

It never pays to resist or deride innovators especially in the world of print. The clerics and inquisitors who warned us about the dangerous innovation of Herr Gutenberg (himself a pious man) ended up on the losing side of that technology argument. William Morris decried the industrialization of the printed

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Consumer Media Choices: Paper or Silicon?

Not all that long ago, our communications choices were limited to print and some form of analog broadcast. Computers changed how we created media, especially for the printed page, but not the medium itself. Of course that all changed with the Inter-Web and its latest incarnation: mobile devices. In the

PrintUI image gallery screenshot

Introducing the PrintUI Image Gallery

We just recently added a new Image Gallery feature to the PrintUI web application. While end users are customizing a template, they can not only upload images from their computer as in the past, but they can now select images from the Gallery. By default, the sources for images include

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The Perils of Print+Mobile

Last week, I journeyed to Chicago for this years Graph Expo, the annual trade ritual for the struggling print industry in North America. Occurring only a few months after drupathe worldwide version of that experience Graph was something of a re-hash. My editor at Printing Impressions acknowledged this when he

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Survival On Demand

In nature, a species has to either adapt to an ever-changing environment, and increasingly efficient competition, to survive. Sudden, drastic changes make survival less likely. One popular notion is that such a change an asteroid impact, an influx of volcanic activity, or what have you brought about the extinction of

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Printing and Saving Trees

One of the most popular misconceptions about print is that it is harmful to the environment. Grinding up trees and using chemical-based inks for printing is (we are told) unsustainable. Large retailers, banks, and telecom companies tell their customers that switching to e-billing will save trees. For the most part,

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Print Is…

The question is print dead? is superficial nonsense. The real question should be: What is print, and why should we care? Print is everywhere, and is likely to continue for many, many years. Putting oil-based ink on ground-up trees may decline,* but it will be replaced by other printing methods


The new PrintUI Installer for Magento

We’ve now made it really easy to integrate PrintUI into web storefronts that are based on the free Magento Community Edition (see Once installed, the store administrator is able to easily create a customizable product in the catalog by just specifying a template name and size, and select yes