Category: Uncategorized


Santa Cruz Software Shines at OnDAM Paris 2024

Santa Cruz Software recently attended OnDAM Paris 2024, hosted by Activo, where we showcased our latest advancements in design automation. The event was a great success, offering us the opportunity to connect with industry leaders, creative professionals, and DAM enthusiasts. At our booth, we highlighted BannersUI, our automatic ad design tool,

Whitepaper: Streamlined DAM Creativity

Whitepaper: DAM Systems, Creative Tools and Maximizing Productivity

DAM Systems with Creative Tools Can Transform Enterprise Workflows Santa Cruz Software, a leader in creative operations and digital asset management (DAM) solutions, today released a new whitepaper “Streamlined DAM Creativity: Integrating DAM Systems with Creative Tools for Enhanced Efficiency.” Authored by Ralph Windsor, managing editor of DAM News, the

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The Perils of Print+Mobile

Last week, I journeyed to Chicago for this years Graph Expo, the annual trade ritual for the struggling print industry in North America. Occurring only a few months after drupathe worldwide version of that experience Graph was something of a re-hash. My editor at Printing Impressions acknowledged this when he

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The New PrintUI Blog

We decided that it’d be useful to start a PrintUI blog. What will we blog about? As we add new features, we’ll let you know about them and also give you details about how they work and how you might use them. We also would like to give you some