View-As and Other Features Added to EasyPrintUI

We have added several new features to EasyPrintUI based on requests from our clients. If you’re not familiar with EasyPrintUI, please see a description or videos to see how you can be up and running with your own web-to-print or web-to-web solution with zero programming and in only one day.

View As

In EasyPrintUI, you can easily set up several users to see different sets of templates. For example, let’s say that a design agency is using EasyPrintUI for two clients called The ABC Company and The DEF Corporation. Of course they want ABC users to see only the ABC templates and the DEF users to see only the DEF templates, but they want to test their configuration to make absolutely sure. All they have to do is to click on the View As button next to an ABC or a DEF user on the EasyPrintUI administrator’s Users page and they’ll see exactly how it will look to that user. The web page even tells you which user’s view you are seeing, like this…

PDF Presets

With the EasyPrintUI Advanced Plan, you can now select which PDF preset to use for generating high-resolution PDF files. You can select from one of several built-in presets:

  • High Quality Print
  • PDF/X-1a:2001
  • PDF/X-3:2002
  • PDF/X-4:2008
  • Press Quality
  • Smallest File Size

Or you can create and upload your own PDF preset using InDesign. (A PDF preset has a .joboptions file extension in InDesign.) PDF Presets options are found on the administrator’s Advanced Settings page.

Image Gallery Options

Several PrintUI clients have implemented a gallery connector that connects images stored on their servers to the PrintUI web application. Their end users can then select from those images while they are customizing a template. Each set of images is selected via tabs in the image gallery feature. Here’s an example of what that looks like if you run one of the demos on

The People, Places, and Backgrounds tabs represent three different image sets on our demo server. If you create your own gallery connector on your own server, you replace those tabs with anything you want. You can even pass XML into your gallery connector at run-time so that you can restrict which images to show to which users.

Then, all you have to do to make it work with EasyPrintUI is to use the Advanced Settings to specify the URL to your connector as well as the XML to use for the qualifiers.

In addition, you can also control other aspects of the way the gallery appears to your end users including whether or not to allow end users the ability to upload images from their computer, and whether or not to show the built-in social galleries for Facebook, Flickr, and Picasa.

Run-Time Options

The Advanced Plan also lets you set myriad options to control how PrintUI’s web application looks to your end users while they are customizing a template, including:

  • Show the “Add Image” button
  • Show the “Add Text” button
  • Show the “Preview” button
  • Show the “Start Over” button
  • Show the “Full Screen” button
  • Zoom to fill screen
  • Show the text palette when editing text
  • Initially show all edit fields
  • Colors to show in color picker
  • Show non print layers
  • Preview non print layers
  • Show styles or fonts in text palette

Other Features

Some other new features that you might find useful:

  • When an end user submits their job, they can now specify an ID to use for their own tracking purposes. They can use it for any purpose, including, for example, a purchase order number or a project code.
  • If a user hasn’t yet signed in at the point where they are about to submit their job, they can now do so without losing their customizations. After signing in, they are returned to the job submission page with the fields filled in with their signin information.
  • You can now ask us here at PrintUI to manually add a new administrator to your account. Although we shouldn’t have to use that very often, it could be useful in a situation where, for example, you accidentally change your own user role from Administrator to something else.